Children with Disabilities Fund International (CDFI) was established in 2010 to address the needs of disabled children living in developing countries. CDFI is a Christian humanitarian non-profit, dedicated to serving “the least of these.” (Matthew 25:31-46). CDFI believes that every child has worth in the eyes of God and strives to make a difference in the lives of these children, helping them reach their full potential. CDFI currently has two ongoing programs. In Jamaica, the work is focused at Westhaven Children’s Home near Montego Bay, which cares for 100 residents. The CDFI School, established in 2012, provides special education and therapeutic intervention to these residents, including vocational training when appropriate. CDFI also established a medical clinic at Westhaven in 2016 staffed by skilled nurses. This has enabled the residents to receive on site, appropriate healthcare and medical intervention for the first time. In 2016, CDFI established programs in the area of Kisumu, Kenya, assisting over 250 disabled children and their families with access to special education and healthcare. Children who once had no access to medical intervention, including needed surgeries, are now receiving appropriate care, wheelchairs, crutches and other adaptive equipment. In 2017, CDFI also began a microfinance program to help these families become more self sufficient. The Child Sponsorship Program, added in 2022, helps provide a stream of funding for these families. See the Child Sponsorship tab under ‘Kenya’ to meet children still awaiting sponsors.
Faithful Presence was founded in 2021 by Rev. Michael Langer with the mission to offer whole-life discipleship, in the whole of life, for the whole of the public square. Faithful Presence is a ministry in our nation's capital, equipping servants and leaders to flourish as they participate in Christ’s mission of making all things new through offering intentional spiritual, emotional, relational, vocational, ideological, cultural, and evangelical discipleship. Faithful Presence is for followers, seekers, and skeptics who are struggling with the implications stemming from the reality that we are finite, fragile, and fallen in a setting that offers as many opportunities as it does disappointments. We do so through life-on-life discipleship, reading groups, pastoral care and counseling, cultural conversations, Bible studies, courses, policy discussions, and real community.
Cultivating relationships with refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq as well as other nations in order to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Cru is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Hirut Chaka serves in the Digital Strategy/Free Life Ministry division of Great Commission Ethiopia. This includes training leaders and entire churches across Ethiopia and neighboring countries (when invited) in discipleship and parenting skills, developing and managing media based evangelistic outreach to young adults, participation with the Jesus film division of Cru as well as meeting the needs spiritual and physical of the Ethiopian people with particular focus on street children.
A Christian development ministry in Vietnam and SE Asia devoted to children with special needs, children at risk for trafficking and sexual abuse, orphans and widows. Major outreaches are special needs therapy centers, deaf education, family preservation, anti trafficking school seminars "More Precious than Gold” and Good Touch- Bad Touch” programs, group homes and vocational training.
The Philemon Project’s GROW Center provides affordable Christian early childhood education for at-risk kids ages 1-4 in Beirut, Lebanon. Our all-female local staff carry out the work of the Gospel daily. Our Adult Mentoring Program is a vehicle for church planting, reaching the Syrian refugee, migrant worker and underserved Lebanese parents of the children we serve. Our vision is replication throughout Lebanon and Syria.
A local ministry in the Northern VA area that seeks to prevent local human trafficking by equipping the community through education, disrupt local human trafficking with outreach and prayer and restore local survivors by building relationships and serving their needs. They are in process of building a permanent residence for transitional housing for victims in Fauquier County.
Inviting young people to experience life as God designed it to live. Kids around the world are searching for home, meaning, and belonging. We get in it with them and accept them as they are. Young Life leaders work to "win the right to be heard" with teens which then enables them to share the good news of Jesus Christ and His great love for them.