Children's ministry

We love to partner with parents as they disciple their children! We are a relational church and this focus on relationships is reflected in Growing Hope's welcoming and engaging classes. We emphasize the never-changing, always good and faithful character of God and His unending, abundant love for us all.

On Sunday mornings, we have a nursery for kids two and under and classes for kids who are three years old through 5th grade. More information.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an important part of Growing Hope! This week of Truth-packed fun is a connecting experience for our kids, our delightful volunteers, and the many friends that join us from outside Living Hope. This year’s VBS theme is "Breaker Rock Beach" and will be held June 10-14, 2024, from 9 AM-12 PM at 7202 Lineweaver Road in Warrenton.  Registration opens mid-February and fills up quickly. Email Nancy MacGowan with questions.

Additional gatherings and Bible challenges vary year to year.  This year we are excited to help kids KNOW God better and GROW in their love for Him through the KNOW & GROW Bible Memory Challenge led by Kim Stevens. Running January through May, each month our 3 yrs-5th graders will work at home and at church to memorize a specific verse and earn a token for their lanyard in our Growing Hope classes on Sundays. Join us as we encourage our children to KNOW God & GROW in their faith! Email Kim Stevens with questions.

Hello, Growing Hope Parents and Teachers!!

It is our pleasure and privilege to encourage your students in their knowledge and walk with Jesus….helping them KNOW God and GROW closer to Him through their time on Sunday mornings!

This is the new Sunday School plan for summer starting this upcoming  Memorial Day weekend through August. 

Upcoming 4-5 graders will attend the service with their parents for the summer months. Should there be students who prefer to be in a class during the sermon, they are welcome to come to the class for the younger elementary which will be held in room 304, the bigger classroom at the far end of the hallway.

Rising 1-3 graders (those completing kindergarten - 2nd grade now) (and some of the older elementary) will join their parents in worship and then be excused to Rm. 304. We will be using the What’s In the Bible videos, focusing on the New Testament books.  These videos are both enjoyable and full of good information building Biblical literacy.  Our plan is to dismiss the class as usual after the worship time, then pass out a snack and watch the video (25 minutes).  Please encourage students to continue to bring their own Bibles through the summer.  Teachers can then discuss the main points of the video or use the printed out multiple choice “quiz” for the remainder of the class that will highlight the main points as well as asking some funny questions about the characters in the show.  There will be no prep for this class! Just watch the video, have some discussion, and spend time loving on our precious kids!  We are hopeful that the classroom interaction before and after the video will continue to build community and friendships among the kids.  

The 3yrs --upcoming Kindergartners class will be dropped off before the service. Their summer curriculum will be based off of the Read Aloud Bible Story books, located in the supply closet to the left above the snacks.  They have wonderful, colorful, large pictures and simple text with questions at the end that point to the character of God/Jesus.  There is a specific New Testament lesson assigned to each week this summer, with all stories coming from the four Gospels.

Contact Us


Phone: 703.489.1005

P.O. Box 349 Haymarket, VA 20168

Where and When

We meet on Sundays at 10:00 am in the Covenant

Christian Academy Building at 7202 Lineweaver

Rd. , Warrenton, VA 20187.