Fall Fire pit: The smells of autumn and the taste of s'mores- students are welcome at the Moser's Saturday, September 14th 7:00-9:00 pm.
Boy’s Bible Study: There will be a middle school and high school boys bible study led by Tom Fremont on Ephesians right after Sunday Service starting this Sunday (9/8). There will be snacks provided for the boys who come!
Middle School Girl's Bible study: There will be a middle school girls study “How to Study Your Bible for Kids”, that will be starting after Sunday Service next Sunday (9/15) and be led by Mikayla Steele. There will be snacks provided for the girls who come! Please let Mikayla know if there are any questions about finding and getting the book for the study!
High School Girl's Bible study: There will be a study for high school girls using the Daily Grace Co. study “Craving Community.” It is on sale right now and if there are any questions about finding and getting the book for the study, please let Mikayla know! Please reach out to Mikayla if you are interested and we will choose a time that works best for everyone!
Murder Mystery Dinner: Friday, October 25th, evening location TBD. I am looking for some adult and middle school and high school volunteers who would love to act and be interested in helping with this event! If there are overwhelming responses that Saturday will work better, we will adjust! Please let Mikayla know!
Friendsgiving: Saturday, November 16th at 2pm at Tim and Nancy MacGowan’s. If you are interested in coming please contact Mikayla Steele to coordinate bringing a dish to share with everyone!
Email: info@livinghopeepc.org
Phone: 703.489.1005
P.O. Box 349 Haymarket, VA 20168
We meet on Sundays at 10:00 am in the Covenant
Christian Academy Building at 7202 Lineweaver
Rd. , Warrenton, VA 20187.